展現無縫連結的力量: 探索 AirServer Connect 2
January 10, 2024了解有關 AirServerConnect 2 的更多資訊—適用於會議室和教室的下一代無線螢幕鏡像解決方案。 Legamaster 產品行銷經理 Jasper van Veen 解釋瞭如何從無線解決方案中受益、新功能是什麼以及為什麼 AirServer Connect 2 是企業和學校的一流解決方案。
許多人在家中都有螢幕投射解決方案,可以在平板電腦或智慧型手機與電視之間建立無線連線。 您能解釋一下這種家庭投影解決方案與AirServer等專業螢幕鏡像解決方案之間有什麼區別嗎?
“有幾個關鍵的區別。 首先,家庭投影解決方案通常需要下載應用程式,例如 Google Chromecast,或僅適用於特定設備,例如僅與 Apple 設備相容的 Apple TV。 AirServer Connect 2 開箱即用,可與 AirPlay、Google Cast 和 Miracast 配合使用,這意味著您可以輕鬆連接任何 Apple、Android 或 Windows 裝置。
第二個主要區別是您在家中一次只能共享一個螢幕。 使用AirServer,您可以同時與9個人以相同的品質和速度連接。 這有助於在面對面的會議和課程中促進更以參與者為中心的方法。 以腦力激盪會議和專案會議為例,不同的人希望在大螢幕上同時分享他們的想法或結果。
第三個主要區別是,使用 AirServer,如果您使用 Miracast 中所謂的觸控回功能將其共享到觸控屏,您實際上可以處理文件。 這意味著您共享的內容不是靜態的,但您實際上可以在文件中進行協作、做筆記和編輯。
AirServer Connect 2 完美契合辦公室和學校自備設備的現實,員工和學生攜帶個人筆記型電腦、平板電腦或智慧型手機,希望能夠輕鬆分享內容。"
The AirServer Connect 2 is the next generation AirServer. What are the new features and benefits?
“Just like the 1st generation, the AirServer Connect 2 works out-of-box without any additional hardware or apps. What is new however, is the really small size as the AirServer Connect 2 is only 25% of the original size while the performance is even better.
The AirServer Connect 2 also offers a newly designed user interface, which makes it even more intuitive to use, and a secure all-in-one cloud management system. The IT department can now easily connect to all AirServers in their network and check, update or reboot them remotely if needed.
Another new feature is the possibility to also use the AirServer as a solution for narrowcasting or digital signage with HTML5 compatibilities. That means that you can remotely control what you want to show on each individual screen throughout the building and easily share messages directed towards your employees, customers or students. That can basically be anything you want – a welcome message at the entrance, agenda’s, branding messages or relevant health and safety information.”